1.厉风驶过,徒留一地闲花。碎后的弥留之香仍骄傲得我行我素,飘乎地让 我沉醉于历史。骄傲的屈原,优雅的仕人,以自己高洁的品质屹立在巅峰。他的美人,他 的美好理想都未随他华美的诗篇而为他折腰。我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 时间过的很快,转眼间又是周末。 我们都特别喜欢周末,不用听着闹钟醒来,可以在阳光明媚的早晨赏花,中午逛个菜市,晚上愉快的浪费时间就觉得很开心。My week I know there are seven days in a They are:Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday ,Thursday ,Friday 。一周有七天你最喜欢哪一天英语短文
2.As we all know, there are seven days in a They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Among them。and watched TV in the afternoon,in the evening,I went to bed was my busy weekend,now I hope the next 我上个周末很忙,星期六早上,我拜访了我的祖父母和帮助他们打扫房间,在下午。刚考完试,我觉得异常轻松。在家里,照样是先写作业,通过一周认真地学习和复习,我写起作业来真是得心应手。不一会儿,就写完了。还有一个小小的期待,那就是周末可以美美地睡个懒觉,不用听那讨厌的闹铃声。英语作文我的周末要带翻译
3.通过一个星期的学习,我终于迎来了我的周末。在周末,我通常要放松一下我自己。首先我要睡个懒觉一直到中午。吃完午饭后,我会约我的朋友去远足去看看美丽的风景,使我感到神清气爽。晚饭后,我会坐在电脑面前上网。翻译 在星期天,我没有课,我觉得很开心。我总是在早上大概八点钟起床,我的妈妈叫我吃早餐。吃完早餐,我和妈妈去购物,我买了很多我喜欢的东西,然后我和朋友去玩,我们玩抓迷藏。What did you do this week。是一般过去时,只是问你这周做了什么,没有其它含义了。 What have you done within this week。一周的课程安排的英语作文_作业帮
4.My curriculum(class) schedule is as follow:On monday morning, we have the chinese as the first class from 8. to 8.40 。I went to the zoo with my parents last We saw many animals there and took some All of us enjoyed ourselves very much I am a have to go to school fromMonday to I go to school at seven o'clock in the have four study Chinese,Maths,English and other the afternoon。自己的一周英语作文20字
5.There are seven days in a I go to school from Monday to I have a rest on Satuday and Today is the last day of this I donMy week I go to school from Monday to I have Chinese, English and maths on Monday, Wednesday and I have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday, and on Friday。关于(我的一周英语作文)如果你还有更好的作为欢迎发来与我们分享,每一篇作文都是来之不易的辛苦构思,在欣赏的同时希望读者们动动小手指打赏或点赞转发。