1.We Can Live on Another Planet in the Future .With the development of science and technology。您好:Transport in the future In the future ,i think a lot of great inventions will come will able to fly in the sky ormove in the the sky,we can see a lot of transport。I want a villa ,with a big pool ,a basketball playground and a garden .because i love my family ,and my parents like flowers and green trees ,my boy friend likes playing basketball 。英语作文 《他对自己的未来充满了想象》
2.Green purchase shop (imagine composition)One day in the future, a country of a specific city appeared a strange stores - green plants acquisitions On the wall of the outside stores。My Room I have a small but comfortable ceiling of my room is paint blue which stands for the pasted some plastics stars on it so I could imagine I just want to have a small house when I关于想象学校的英语作文+中文翻译(小学)
3.The school of the future In the school of future, the students still sit in classrooms, but they work on their Instead of textbooks。在我们现实中有各种各样的桥:木桥、石桥、铁桥、水泥桥……有横在溪水上的独木桥,有下面可以走船的石拱桥,有舟船相连再铺上木板的浮桥,有跨过大江大河的斜拉桥……世界上的桥一天天增多。The life in 2020 we now go to 2020 is very happy,and every home is is no poor,and children can recieve the non-paid education ,each day is very long 。一个人经过森林发生的故事 展开想象写一篇不少于三百字的英语作文
4.First,you want to you want to express the meaning,also is the result。Second,should it happen,how will happenThird,why did this happenFourth,from the third to the first this order upside downFifth。你看见一个人正慢慢地爬着楼梯吗。那个楼梯就是“H”.写作指导第十讲——想像(展开想象 拓宽思路) 字母“I”像一根拐杖.一位满头白发的老爷爷拄着拐杖。我们很难详细描述人们美好生活的景象。未来确实像一个谜,有些领域超出了我们的想象。想象未来的家庭英语作文包括家庭成员居住的地方
5.组织作文材料,不论运用哪种方法,都要为表现中心服务,要切合不同文章的内容和体裁的需要,把材料合理地安排到文章中去。四、把文章写得具体生动。具体生动是习作的基本要求之也是写好文章的关键所在。In our school,we must wear school all the students thinks that we should wear our the school uniforms are ugly my view,if we wear our favorite cloths。2050年的地球,是个风景优美的地球,连续几年被宇宙王评为“美丽星球。”而我就是地球中的一员。每天早上一起床,穿上万能衣。这可是本世纪的重大发明。这种衣服内含有纳米纤维,能根据天气变化自行调节温度。关于(想象英语作文)如果你还有更好的作为欢迎发来与我们分享,每一篇作文都是来之不易的辛苦构思,在欣赏的同时希望读者们动动小手指打赏或点赞转发。