one day henny-penny went for a walk. an acorn fell.
the acorn hit henny-penny on the head!
Listening is more important than speaking!
It's very important to be a good listener. Effective listening is not only to avoid the bad habit of interrupting others when talking, but also to listen to others' thoughts rather than waiting impatiently for your response.
Slowing down your reaction and becoming a better listener will help you become a more amiable person. When you're waiting for the person you're talking to to to finish, because you're just more focused on what you're saying, you'll feel more relaxed, and so will the person you're talking to. Being a better listener will not only make you a more patient person, but also improve your relationship with others, because everyone likes to talk to people who really listen to them.
It's easy for you to be a better listener. As long as you forget yourself, imagine yourself in the speaker's experience, understand the emotions behind the words, and then slowly respond appropriately, you will become a popular listener.
可以用英语考试来驱动,在备考中修炼英语,学英语最重要的是坚持,对自我管理能力不强的人来,坚持又是最大软肋。所以有个考试作为目标来驱动学习可能会有效。至于备考对听说读写的提升作用因人而异。\r 拿托福为例。托福考试分听说读写四个板块进行,所以备考也对应之。\r 托福阅读满分30分,对阅读速度,词汇量,语法,逻辑推理都有考核,可以针对性的做准备,背单词,学语法分析长难句,强化训练,一段时间后你就会发现,你在国内遇到的大部分英文材料你都可以读懂了。\r 听力的练习方法也要分步骤,首先要搞清楚为啥听不懂,常见的问题是听力词汇储备不够,自己发音有问题,辨音速率不够,对长句子耐受度不够,长时间听耐力不足等等。相应的解决方案包括听写听力单词,单句精听,影子跟听跟读,反复听。\r 口语要好,听力不能差。多听多模仿,别怕出错,多说多学习。\r 写作要做,阅读不能差。多读多背多模仿。想想小时怎么开窍会写作文的。\r 总之英语的学习没有捷径,必须时间花到位才能提升,总结一条就是多读多听多说多写,语言就是这样,长时间的学习和接触,自然就提高。最重要的是,如果坚持不下来,自律不够,就想办法创造环境接触外部力量,报班啥的。祝你好运。\r
One is beneficial to the development of brain. Because reading aloud is the essence of reading aloud in self appreciation of their own voice, in the course of time, is beneficial to students' ability of thinking in images of self cultivation.
Two is to change the character of the students. Introverts tend to sound very little, if all students to adhere to read the text aloud and other articles, books, it is easy to make students love to talk, the character is also subsequently and change.
Three is conducive to the students to understand the debate, debate on the value, this is better, high quality in the future of a transaction quality.
Four is conducive to change the poor students, most students outstanding performance is not read aloud the text, read aloud good text, from reading aloud began training, many students in the reading process, formation of thinking.
Five is read aloud, because brain in a state of great excitement, which in itself can stimulate students to better understand the articles, books.
Six is read aloud to concentrate on, the brain is