
关于网络的简单英语作文 要带翻译
1.My school My school is very beautiful .It has a big playground and we often do exercise on have a very happy school there is very good and pat任何事物都有它的两面性互联网也如此优点是它让我们可以接触到更多的人认识的或不认识的,让沟通变得更方便,拉近人与人之间的关系。比如说QQ,当然它给了我们更多的信息量,我们可以通过它更好的了解外面的世界。I think the most test of online classes is our self- At the beginning of the online class, I am still not used to it。上网课的感受英语作文
2.写作思路:可以从网课的特殊环境来开始写,没有同学的陪伴,上网课容易走神、网络延迟、秩序混乱等方面来描写。My English Class I like English because I like my English think having English is very English teacher can teach us new My English Class I like English because I like my English think having English is very English teacher can teach us newthe Firt Time Online My parents bought me a computer as the birthday present last tried getting online by I turned the computer。一篇关于网课的经历和感想英语作文
3.一些同学认为网络对他们很有帮助。for them to get the useful imformation and study on the can know about the latest news。知识扩展: 网络教育一般指远程教育,在教育部已出台的一些文件中,也称现代远程教育为网络教育,是成人教育学历中的一种。是指使用电视及互联网等传播媒体的教学模式。我们可以在网上学习,那上面有很多书籍和有用的视频。在上面和朋友聊天也是便捷的。但是它在某些方面也是危险的。有些人会利用网络欺骗你,所以请小心。还有不要用网络太长时间,因为它对你的眼睛不好。有关上网的经历 的英语作文 带翻译100词左右
4.译文:11月11号是光棍节,据开玩笑说这天购物能弥补寂寞,厂商闻到了巨大商机,所以他们在那天打折,人们被折扣吸引,在那天买很多东西。但是我们知道人们买东西的时候没有理智,很多东西都是没有用的。good care of should pay more attention to your wishes to you。Along with the time development, accessing the net already turned the extremely universal No matter is adult or the child, so long as mentioning the computer, all think of But。我对网络教育的看法英语作文
5.Father and son of the Red Envelope Theatre。 Father and son of the Red Envelope Theatre。Now everyone know internet, someone just read , others may use it for working, but most gays as I know do shopping and visit I am one of turn on my computer, and then shut down it。关于(关于网课的英语作文带翻译)如果你还有更好的作为欢迎发来与我们分享,每一篇作文都是来之不易的辛苦构思,在欣赏的同时希望读者们动动小手指打赏或点赞转发。