
1.我的家乡是惠州,它是一个美丽的地方。惠州位于广州省珠江三角洲的东北部,南临大亚湾,毗邻广州,东莞,深圳和香港。惠州是鱼米之乡,有两个国家级开发区,即大亚湾经济技术开发区和仲恺高新技术产业园区。我的家乡 我的家乡是个美丽的地方,它座落在一条宽宽的小河旁边,富产鱼和大米。但是在过去它是个又穷又偏僻的小镇。很多人没有工作,生活很难过。1949年解放以来,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。我的家乡是惠州,它是一个美丽的地方。惠州位于广州省珠江三角洲的东北部,南临大亚湾,毗邻广州,东莞,深圳和香港。惠州是鱼米之乡,有两个国家级开发区,即大亚湾经济技术开发区和仲恺高新技术产业园区。我的家乡英语作文求
2.My Home Town My home town is a beautiful It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and But in the old days it was a poor and backward littl家乡比起城市,我更偏爱山山水水。那儿的空气清新,天空湛蓝。少了汽车鸣笛,多了虫鸣蛙叫。Guilin is one of the four municipalities in Its name means家乡英语作文带翻译
3.My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers The air there is very fresh .It My hometown in Sand everywhere there before, very blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital。My hometown is a small beautiful It is surrounded by There is a small river near my The water is When I was a little child。写一篇关于我的家乡的英语作文150词
4.写作思路:根据题目要求,围绕石家庄进行描写。Shijiazhuang is my It is a beautiful, rich and beautiful 石家庄是我的家乡,是一个美丽富饶、风景秀丽的地方。I Love Xinjiang Xinjiang is a very beautiful has many nationality there are very hospitable and they are good at singing and is famous for Children out of the house to come here, with thick gloves, wearing colorful cotton happily in the snow, snowmen, snowball fights。英语作文八年级写家乡的变化过去个现在
5.我美丽的家乡,它的春天风景。春天,我的家乡,绿草如茵,鲜花盛开。走出树枝,鸟儿在欢乐中歌唱。环顾四周是连绵的群山,山峦起伏的山坡,仿佛一只被驯化的母鸡的`地毯,直到天空。优雅的花朵盛开在星罗棋布的山。我的家乡在高明,那里非常美丽,有青山绿水。春天大树发了绿芽花儿绽开了笑脸,我们能一起赏花,夏天我们能在河里游泳,秋天我们能拾起枫叶做标本,冬天我们能穿着棉袄在雪地里玩雪,我的家乡,多么漂亮。I love my is small and but my hometown is very beautiful and You can see the flowers, grass and trees When you walk in the street。关于(有关于故乡的英语作文)如果你还有更好的作为欢迎发来与我们分享,每一篇作文都是来之不易的辛苦构思,在欣赏的同时希望读者们动动小手指打赏或点赞转发。