1.I was very busy last weekend,on saturday morning ,I visted my grandparents and helped them clean the room,in the afternoon,I went to the bookstore to buy some books。人生是5天的艰辛工作和一个快乐的周末。近义词 Happy vacation。have a good time with her parents on this 这个周末 这个周末玛丽要去旅游。她将和她的父母一起去海南旅游三天。她知道海南是个非常美丽的岛屿。她迫不及待想要去那里。她将和父母愉快地度过这个周末。周末愉快的英文周末愉快的翻译怎么用英语翻译周末
2.Have a nice/good weekend。 Enjoy your weekend。 就可以了~不需要一定要强调写作思路:详细写出周末的计划,发生的故事。The spring comes and the scenery is Therefore。at 8 am Sunday morning my classmates met at school gate then 30 min bike to play in sea some swam and some took pictures we had a wonderful weekend。英语作文 我的周末
3.到图书馆读书或在户外运动。总之,不同的人有不同的放松方式。 我经常和我的家人共度周末。有时我父母带我去参观我们的亲戚。有时我们去游泳或去跳舞,有时我们去看一些有益的书。我常常在周末过得很愉快。I had a very busy and enjoyable weekend 星期一 Monday星期二 Tuesday星期三 Wednesday星期四 Thursday星期五 Friday星期六 Saturday星期天 Sunday初一英语下第七单元3a翻译_作业帮
4.very tired after hard In winter holidays。Have a nice weekend 。or I wish you a pleasant weekend 。这个周末我带两个孩子,去了广州市内免费又有意义的5。个景点,让我逐一细数: 【中共三大会议旧址及纪念馆】 坐标:恤孤院路3号 简介:1923年。我度过了一个忙碌而愉快的周末英文怎么写
5.I had a very busy and enjoyable weekend 可以表示这句话的意思 My weekend was happy, I often homework first, and then to play this weekend, but not the same。This is a wonderful weekends !希望对你有所帮助。关于(愉快的周末英语作文翻译)如果你还有更好的作为欢迎发来与我们分享,每一篇作文都是来之不易的辛苦构思,在欣赏的同时希望读者们动动小手指打赏或点赞转发。