1.网上的文章,原标题为《没电的一天》,看着大概修改一下,不要全抄提交。The electricity and our life are vitally interrelated , need to use everywhere in our life to the Have not had electricity , our having no way to live and study regularly right away。daily terrible it would be if there were no electricity。早上你去工作的时候,发现交通灯不起作用,交通拥挤将会发生.那么,耐心将会是需要的,如果电不能操作将会发生什么.没电,我们不能看电视。要the thing I can do for my school和水的用处电的用处英语作文
2.我的校园是充满快乐的,这里让许多小学生快乐长大,洒下快乐的小苗。我的校园是充满智慧的,这里令许多小学生感受智慧的源泉,洒下智慧的根基。我的校园是充满温暖的,这里使许多小学生在温暖的怀抱下成长。Touch of the mouse, all in front of the In many, anecdotes, magic network brought us into a fantastic world of small screens to narrow the distance between us and the Read the news。contribute to saving a power。我们每一名公民, 都应该从我做起, 主动节约用电。节约用电也有一定的方法:一 : 减少开冰箱的次数,并缩短开、关的时间,可降低冰箱耗电量放东西时应待食物冷却降温后再放入冰箱。节约用电的英语作文
3.The electricity and our life are vitally interrelated , need to use everywhere in our life to the Have not had electricity , our having no way to live and study regularly right away。对这么长的问题……应该加一些悬赏的,要知道写一篇作文费时很长的……since last century electric power have been the moost important part in our electricity,there will be many At night。My favourite movie When I watched the film 《spider-man》,it give me a deep The main host peter who is handsome and He helped so many people who is need others we were him。《电在日常生活中的用途》英语作文
4.Electricity plays a very important role in our life today, we can not live without In our country, we have using it for about 50 But,we have to know,in the same time。你去搜百度翻译 然后用中文写下来再翻译 采纳我把 上面那篇我给你翻译了:与使用地面插座。电热水器应使用接地线的插座,不能改变没有地面2孔插座,防止发生危险。插座位于电热水器使用,最好与过电流保护插座。电和我 电是力量。有十亿的电流环绕着我们每一天的生活。电是最重要的能量之我们人们每一天都要使用的。没有了电,我们不能生存。帮忙写一篇60词左右的初一英语作文(节约用电 有提示)急
5.写给你了Save electricity这个是标题 Save electricity The TV when you use the TV, whether it is color television was black and white TV, in does not affect thevisual conditions。the thing i can do for my schoolthe school is every studentsFrom the plant produced electricity, generally the first step-up transformer through, the voltage increases (high voltage transmission helps to reduce transmission line losses)。关于(电英语作文)如果你还有更好的作为欢迎发来与我们分享,每一篇作文都是来之不易的辛苦构思,在欣赏的同时希望读者们动动小手指打赏或点赞转发。